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About the Writer:

Nancy shares her heart and her faith in her writing. She is an avid sports enthusiast, an encourager to her husband, friends and family and a hardworking servant for the Lord in her church, the local Pregnancy Resource Center, and at her job in a Christian University. With everything in her, she loves the Lord most!


What's In A Name

By Nancy Funke

Synopsis: Look around at all the names for people and consider the one that fits you best.

For some reason I’ve been thinking about names here lately. It could be because many of my co-workers have recently had or will be having babies. Hearing the “thinking about” or “chosen” names can be interesting and fun. One of the expectant mothers actually polled her office staff for their opinion of two possibilities. As she and her husband work with students at two different places of education, several names were not chosen because of bad experiences with those students. Then they ran into the first, middle, and last name initials forming a word. Lots of time and energy is spent on that over 9 months. I asked my husband where his name came from. He was named for St. Lawrence the Martyr who was roasted alive over an open flame. From the Bible I recall quickly the set of twin boys, Jacob and Esau, who always competed. They were born with one holding on to the foot of the other. Then you have James and John, also known as the “Sons of Thunder”. I wonder what their Dad was like for his sons to have that nickname.

And me – I had to make a long distance call to see how I was named. Almost 53 years ago a very special couple were trying to decide on a name for their soon to be child. The name was to be Douglas Earl if a boy. Douglas was the name of a friend and Earl was the name of the maternal grandfather. Or, if a girl, Nancy Lynn was the chosen name. Nancy was a close friend and Lynn was an off shoot of Dad’s first name. On November 12 th, a screaming, healthy baby girl made Leonard and Charlotte proud parents.

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your name? I did. A couple of years ago I found my answer. The meaning of Nancy is “Grace of God” or “favor”; Emotional make-up = “You wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of Nancy ”; Personality = takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute; Relationships = it may take some time to get to know Nancy .

It’s amazing how accurate some of the definitions are. Emotional make-up is pretty close. You really do not want to hurt my honey, family, friends, or get in the way at home plate as I barreled down the line during a close game. Personality is a little bit off. My life goes non-stop but I enjoy it. And relationships – my husband of 14 years and a dear close girlfriend are still working on that one.

Besides Wife, Mom, Grandma, Sister, Daughter, and Friend, I have two other names that are dear to me. One is funketrble. The “trble” part comes from my maternal grandmother. You probably can guess why. My other cherished name is “Child of the King”. God Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth and all that is in it, is my “Abba Father” - my “Daddy”, my Adonai, Lord and Master – although I do admit that sometimes I temporarily forget that part. He is my provider, my healer, my comforter. I can talk to Him and share with Him my innermost feelings and not have to worry about being laughed or scoffed at. Plus He’s available 24/7. I can mess up something and He will instantly forgive me. And help me to make it right. Remember how it says that “ Nancy means Grace of God or favor”. God’s grace and favor came on me one Sunday morning after church. It happened in my 5 th grade Sunday School class and I gave my heart / my life to the Lord in my room lying across my bed. The previous years of teaching made sense and I grew from there. Now your name doesn’t have to be Nancy in order for you to have God’s grace. You can come to Him no matter your name and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior, your “Adonai, your “Abba Father”.

Child of the King - that will be the most important name you will ever have.

Copyright © October 1,2005 – Nancy Funke. All rights reserved.

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