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About the Writer:

A glimpse into Bonnie's heart is a treat. Her writing, her storytelling, her faith and her relationship with God is an inspiration. When challenges come her way, Bonnie goes to the Lord with honesty and He comes to her with hope, healing and insight she eagerly passes onto others.


Laughing At The Days Ahead

By Bonnie Schulte

Synopsis: Something lost becomes an extraordinary witness when it is found!

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” (Proverbs 31:25)

I’ve had a love-hate relationship with the Proverbs 31 woman over the years. Quite frankly, as I read her exploits, I couldn’t fathom how this woman kept her sanity much less found time to laugh at the days ahead. One day not too long ago, however, I got to meet this woman face to face.

Months of separation from my husband were taking its toll. Our fifth move, Bob had taken a job in Michigan while the children and I stayed behind in North Carolina finishing up the school year. One would think a simple pattern of selling and buying homes, leaving friendships, schools and jobs for new communities was established by now. But, I was worn out.

As I sat in Bible study, exhausted after a long day, my fingers toyed absent-mindedly with my wedding ring. In a blink of an eye, my preoccupation turned into alarm as my fingers met a gaping hole! Glancing down at my left hand, my eyes searched for what I longed to see. However, a quick examination confirmed what I already knew--the diamond in my ring was gone!

Disheartened I left before the end of class. Walking to the parking lot, my eyes searched the ground with each step hunting for that piece of stone. Mentally I retraced my day’s activities--home, office, conference center, auto mechanic, lunch, gas station, Bible study. My heart grew heavier as I calculated over 80 miles, realizing I had no idea when I lost my stone or where.

Climbing in the car, I began to sob, “Why, LORD? I’m so exhausted. Why this?” I’ve never heard God speak audibly; but a quiet voice spoke to my heart, “The setting was loose.” “Oh, LORD,” I said, “I knew it was loose. But I’ve been so busy. Why now? ”

Later that night as I lay in bed, all I could think was, “Please LORD, when I wake up tomorrow morning, I don’t want to be so sad.” Rafters weren’t rattled with cartwheels as I got out of bed the next morning, but I did spend my quiet time reading Psalms of praise. I even attempted a song or two driving to work, all the while glancing around hoping to catch a glimpse of my diamond on the car floor.

In our phone call the night before, my husband had promised we would pick out a special replacement stone; so following his instructions, I called our insurance to get details. Over and over, I kept replaying my previous day’s stops. Who could I call? Countless faces ran through my mind. “Call Jim Burton.” Again, that quiet voice called to my heart. Jim Burton? The mechanic?

Jim’s shop is no Mr. Goodyear store. A one-man operation, worn out, oily parts lie next to newly delivered parts waiting for installation. Wrecked sports cars line the parking lot waiting to donate perfectly good parts for another’s use. The day before as I waited for Jim to finish with a customer, I took a sight seeing trip of that lot, captivated by the various vehicles.

“Jim,” I said as he answered, “This will sound silly, but yesterday I lost the diamond in my wedding ring. Would you let me know if you come across it?” What began as a sympathetic response, “Oh, Bonnie, I’m sorry,” changed without a breath taken. “Bonnie!” He yelled, “I’ve got it!” There lying on that dirty shop floor between Jim’s desk and trashcan was my diamond! That day I met the Almighty God of the universe as He bent down from heaven to offer comfort and mercy, and I will never be the same again.

As I get to know this Proverbs gal, I am coming to appreciate her laughing at the days to come. Proverbs 31:10-31 doesn't describe some super woman for us. What we see is a woman who has her priorities straight. She respects her husband, nurtures her children, keeps her home and reaches out to others. Most importantly she knows her Lord. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) Just maybe she embraces her future because she remembers the faithfulness of her God in days gone by.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23)


Copyright © October 24,2004 – Bonnie Schulte. All rights reserved.


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